Dolium one way kegs fittings

Fittings available for all kegs and all fitting are compatible to existing filling and draft systems.(Kombucha keg has only D Type)

Dolium Keg S valve

Well type - S

Dolium® Well type is also known as European Sankey or S type.

Dolium Keg D valve

Draft Type - D

Dolium® Draft type is also known as the American Sankey or D type.

Dolium Keg A valve

Flat type - A

Dolium® Flat type is also known as the Alumasc or A type.

Dolium Keg G valve

Trilobe type - G

Dolium® Trilobe type is also known as Grundy or G fitting.

Dolium Keg Alcohol Free Valve

Alcohol Free - AF

Dolium® AF type is also known as Alcohol Free connector.